September 2017
Transcribe Summer Lab: Socio-Spatial Practices in Braga´s Social Housing Neighbourhoods was an experimental and a theoretical-practical lab, which occur in three social housing neighbourhoods in Braga, Portugal: Bairro Social das Enguardas, Bairro Social de Santa Tecla and Complexo Habitacional do Picoto. This summer lab intended to gather a number of multidisciplinary agents and professionals in order to discuss the context and the existing problems in these communities.
Taking this principle as a starting point, Transcribe Summer Lab asked to its participants the following question: how to produce new strategic scenarios for Braga´s social housing neighbourhoods? How to create methodologies capable of making visible the everyday life specificities of these neighbourhoods?
These questions were the catalyst to start Transcribe Summer Lab, which had as main goals: to analyse opportunities and constraints present in the built space of these social housing; to understand the relation between the morphology of the social housing and their urban surroundings; to dialogue with the existing community in order to understand the sense of belonging between the neighbourhoods’ communities and the built space, considering the existing ethnic, cultural, age and gender diversity; and to create socio-spatial practices capable of integrating innovative scenarios and strategies for the future of these neighbourhoods.
We selected 33 candidates, that were distributed into three work groups (one per social housing) and supervised by an international and interdisciplinary group of mentors. For each work group, it was asked to carry out a project that would provide a critical reflection on the issues found in Braga’s social housing neighbourhoods and also that would propose a visible outcome and a catalyst strategy for the future of these places.
Parallel to the practical work developed by the students of the Summer Lab, a number of complementary open and theoretical sessions took place during the week, such as: lectures by invited researchers on specific themes related to the Summer Lab scope; forums, dinners with the community, movie screenings and social events.
Space Transcribers
4th to 9th September 2017
Bairro Social das Enguardas
Bairro Social de Santa Tecla
Complexo Habitacional do Picoto
Transcribe Summer Lab 2017 — Socio-Spatial Practices in
Braga´s Social Housing Neighbourhoods
4 to 9 September 2017
(Re)Escrever o Nosso Bairro
Braga´s City Council
Space Transcribers
Daniel Duarte Pereira, Space Transcribers
Fernando P Ferreira, Space Transcribers
Work Groups
Bairro Social das Enguardas
Belen Zevallos, Space Transcribers
André Castanho Correia, Space Transcribers
Mathias Coutant-Tisic
Naima Manfrè
Maria Maia
José Fernandes
Paula Martins
Anthony Faria
Margarida Maurício
Gonçalo Fernandes
Michelle Lezana
Adam Bellagha
Bairro Social de Santa Tecla
Mohamad Hafeda, Febrik
Francisco Costa, Space Transcribers
Fernando P Ferreira, Space Transcribers
Sophia Garner
Riham El Moazen
Giulia D’Antonio
Szymon Stępniak
Maria Lima
Diana Pereira Araújo
Pedro Monteiro
Gonçalo Marques
Lara Ferreira
Rasha Askar
George Jepson
Complexo Habitacional do Picoto
Tiago Mota Saraiva, ateliermob
Raquel Coronel, ateliermob
Daniel Duarte Pereira, Space Transcribers
Therese Eberl
Pétilin Souza
Georgi Kharitonashvili
Marta Coelho
Inês Oliveira
Diana Amaral
Gonçalo Rodrigues
Iolanda Andrade
Luís Santos
João Nuno Cardoso
Yip Wing Siu
Open Sessions
4th September
”On Participation” by Belen Zevallos, Space Transcribers
“ Monuments of my
Neighbourhood” by André Castanho Correia, Space Transcribers
5th September
“Occupying a Palace” by Tiago Mota Saraiv, ateliermob
“Roma communities: social consistencies through times” by Silvia Gomes, Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais da UMinho
6th September
“Invisible Borders: the daily obstacles faced by the Portuguese Gypsies” by Tiago Carrasco
“Negotiating Conflict” by Mohamad Hafeda
8th September
“Remoteness: Robin Hood
Gardens” by Cidália Ferreira Silva, EAUM, and Fernando P Ferreira, Space Transcribers
”Social Re-Housing in Europe” by Vincenzo Riso, EAUM
Movie Session
“Roma Acans” (2012) and “Balada de um Batráquio”(2016). Presented by Vanessa Matos.
Miguel Bandeira, Braga´s City Council
Vitor Esperança, Bragahabit
Nuno Araújo, Bragahabit
Luís Abreu, Bragahabit
Cláudia Lima, Bragahabit
Virgínia Santos, Geração Tecla
Vanessa Santos, Geração Tecla
Barbara Santos, t3tris
Hugo Caseira, t3tris
Working Space
Temporary Gallery at Museu de Arqueologia D. Diogo de Sousa
Local Support
Cruz Vermelha, Delegação de Braga — Geração Tecla (Programa Escolhas)
Centro Social de Santro Adrião — T3TRIS (Programa Escolhas)
Associação de moradores das Enguardas
Museu de Arqueologia D. Diogo de Sousa
TUB — Transportes Urbanos de Braga
Museu dos Biscainhos
Espaço TOCA — Synergia
Norte 2020 - European Social Fund